Wednesday, July 2, 2014

PiYo Week 1

I sat patiently by the window, looking out side, listening for the mail truck. And, in the distance, I could finally hear it. The mailman was coming down my street and inside of his truck, he had my PiYo. I was like a kid on Christmas tearing into that box & what was inside did not disappoint.

Chalene Johnson fans have been waiting YEARS for PiYo to come to DVD for home use. Yes, YEARS. Up until recently, you could only take PiYo at a gym or health club. Now, we can get our PiYo on in the privacy of our own home.

I had taken my before weight, photos and pics and I was ready to roll. Day 1 is Align: The Fundamentals. Now, I know - we are all tempted - even me - to skip those instructional workouts because we think we know what we're doing. Trust me. Go through this DVD. You'll learn a lot and still break a sweat. 

This first week of PiYo has changed a lot of things for me. I will be honest - this year has been a struggle for me. Getting up early to workout out has been sporadic, at best. I'd squeeze my workout in whenever the day allowed. Sometimes that was after breakfast. Sometimes it was when the kiddos napped. Sometimes it was at night. I was not scheduling my workouts and my Type A personality didn't like that  - even though it was entirely my fault for sleeping in almost every single day. Sometimes I just don't want to get up and jump around at 5 am, ya know? But, with PiYo, I've easily rolled out of bed each morning before the kids got up. I think mentally knowing that I've got a low impact workout ahead of me makes me dread it a little less. Heck - I don't even have to put on shoes for PiYo. Yes, I still need to be mentally and physically awake to do PiYo - it does take quite a bit of focus - but it's just different.

Speaking of getting out of bed...yes, that's mentally easier now, but also PHYSICALLY easier. I am feeling something that my body has never felt before. If you're like me, the day after an intense workout, your muscles are sore - and so are your joints. Specifically knees, hips and back - and maybe ankles, too. With PiYo, I'm sore. I have sore muscles in places I didn't know I had muscles. But, my joints DON'T ACHE. It is the weirdest - and most glorious feeling - to get your butt kicked in a workout - and not be in pain or discomfort the next day. Just sore :) I'm walking taller. More confident. And feeling like a total badass at the end of these workouts because a lot of the moves are really challenging. I feel good about ME. And I haven't felt that in quite some time.

I was skeptical. Yes, I love any program - fitness or otherwise - that Chalene puts out. But, I really was skeptical. Could I get some real results with just doing a workout that is Pilates & Yoga inspired? Come on...I'm used to jumping, kicking, punching, lifting, and HIIT workouts. Will my body respond to something so low impact??? The answer is a resounding YES. But first, let's talk about the other component of PiYo - the nutrition.

I'm eating. A lot. By the end of most days, I'm literally having to force down my dinner because it's so much food. Nutritious, delicious, filling and oh so good for my body. I'm drinking Shakeology. Every. Single. Day. Did I cheat my first week at all? Yes, I confess. I had a skinny latte once from Starbucks (and I have no intention of giving that up). But, the rest of the week, my nutrition was on point. 

Ok, let's get to the details that you really want to know. DID YOU LOSE ANY WEIGHT??? Before I answer that, I want to stress - I do not live my life by the scale. I don't let it determine my self-worth or my mood for the day. It's not the boss of me. I'm a #GIRLBOSS and a scale will NOT determine my happiness. That being said, the scale is the easiest way to measure. So, that's what I use on a weekly basis. It tells me part of the story & is one of the tools I use to gauge my progress. So......drum roll my first week of following the PiYo workouts (and only the PiYo workouts), following the nutrition plan and drinking Shakeology daily...I've lost 4.8 pounds. Yes, in a week. And I'm not the only one who is loving this program. Check out what some of the participants in my PiYo Challenge Group are saying...

"I'm loving this meal plan!! Very easy!!!"

"I've started the workouts and meal plan and I'm soooo pleased and motivated to be seeing results right away!"

"I worked through the first workout this morning - the fundamentals.... I am really excited to start this program! I will be modifying alot; i can tell...but that is long as i am focusing on my goals - that is all that matters!"

"2 days of the PiYo workouts and strictly following the meal plan must be the ticket...I saw minus 4lbs this morning also! Wahoo!"

"I completed the Align and Lower Body videos today. I felt like I got a great workout and the shorter length makes it much easier for me to incorporate into my busy days. Even though it was a lower body workout, I felt it in my arms too!"

So, if you think PiYo may be something that you want to incorporate into your life, message me here and we can discuss which program option will best suit your needs. Otherwise - stay tuned. I'll be providing weekly blog updates during my 8 week PiYo journey!

Have a fantastic day!!!

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