Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Importance of Goal Setting

Are you a goal setter? I never was until last year...

In January 2013, I went through Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push program ( If you're not familiar with the program, I urge you to check it out. It's totally free and only takes minutes a day to complete the work.

Why did I decide to go through the program? Well, first, I love all things Chalene. She is a genius and a pro at what she does. Second, I needed some direction & focus. Third, it was free & who doesn't love free stuff?

One of the exercises was to list out 10 goals that we wanted to accomplish for the year. And not just any goals. BIG goals. Goals that kinda seemed crazy, but would be totally cool if accomplished. She wanted us to list 10, but I chose 12.

So, I started thinking. I started writing my goals - which if I'm being honest - seemed so ridiculous to me because they seemed so far out of the realm of possibility. But I did it anyway. I reverse engineered my goals and started to get to work. Each month, I'd pull up my list and see what I could check off as being "done." One of those goals - perhaps the one that was most important to me - was to meet Chalene herself. She's in California. I'm in Pennsylvania. What are the odds of that meeting actually happening??? We will get back to that later :)

The thing with goal setting is that by accomplishing one goal, it often leads to the door opening on another goal on the list. I probably could have re-written my goal list as more of a "if this, then that..." or "because I accomplished this, now I can do that."

So, at the end of December 2013, I got out my goal list to review what I had accomplished. I was able to check off 9 out of my 12 goals. Not too shabby considering I didn't really think any of them were possible. Remember when I asked what were the odds I'd get to meet Chalene? When I initially wrote down the goal of "meet Chalene Johnson," in my head, I was thinking "I probably have a better chance of getting hit by lightning." Turns out, with some careful goal setting, some reverse engineering, sheer determination & a little "being in the right place at the right time," there was a 200% chance I'd meet Chalene.

How'd it happen? Well, seeing as we live on opposite coasts, I knew I needed to be where she was going to be - and be there when she was going to be there. Where was that? For me, it was Beachbody's Coach Summit in Las Vegas. But, at the time, my husband had lost his job and money was crazy tight. So, I knew I needed to bust my butt with my Coaching business & save up enough so that I could pay for my trip. I was DETERMINED to be in Vegas. I HAD to be there. After months of hard work & determination, there I was...on a plane to Vegas. Step 1 accomplished. I had control over part of the equation. Now for the "being in the right place at the right time" part of the equation. My upline sponsor, Brittnae, was allowed to bring a guest to the Star Diamond Reception. She chose me. And in that night, my life was forever changed. At the reception, my head must have looked like it was on a swivel. Constantly scanning the crowd. Hoping. Looking. Towards the end of the night, I had pretty much given up hope and then I looked to my left. I did a double take. I ran up to Brittnae "Hey - look over there! Isn't that Chalene's husband, Bret???" She confirmed it was him. To which I responded "see ya later - I'm going to find Chalene." 

Me & Bret Johnson

And when I found her, it was all I could do to hold it together. I got a hug, told her my story and thanked her. I then walked away and sobbed. I was so happy.

Chalene & myself

Brittnae, Chalene, myself & Kim

Brittnae, Chalene, myself & Kim

The next morning, we got up at the crack of dawn to do something else I've been wanting to do. Workout LIVE with Chalene. It was another very surreal moment that I'll never forget. 

6 a.m. & all smiles

TURBO live with Chalene

Later that morning, I was in line with my roommates, Jillian and Chelsea. We were waiting in line to get into the CORE (a store that's set up at Summit where you can shop, try Shakeology & meet the trainers). Chalene wasn't on the schedule to appear in any meet & greet...but as we were in line, we all got texts that Chalene was going to be making a surprise appearance in about 30 minutes. You could hear the cheers & squeals from everyone in line. And so, I got my second chance to talk to her again. Like an actual conversation. And again, I walked away in tears. Happy tears.

Chalene & myself - take 2!!!

This woman has helped change my life in so many ways - physically, professionally and personally. She's given me the tools, but I had to do the work. All I wanted to do was thank her. I got my chance...twice. But, I never would have gotten that chance had I not taken her advice in the first place. I never would have gotten that chance had I not set some goals and had the mindset to conquer them one at a time. And that is what you call coming full circle.

So, are you ready? To dig in, to look deep into yourself and set some goals? If so, you MUST go through the 30 Day Push. You will be AMAZED at what you can accomplish if you go through the program and APPLY what you've learned to your life. Dreams will become REALITY.

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