I come across a lot of people from day to day who think that they may want to be a Coach, but they're just not sure what exactly it is that we do. They know we love fitness. They know we love helping others. They know we love our Shakeology. But, that's it. That's all they know.
People who have taken part of my Challenge Groups have a little more insight. I know this because a majority of the Coaches on my team were former Challenge Group and Test Group participants. They use the products, they see the value in having an accountability group and they know the system works. So, signing up to be a Coach is a natural progression for a lot of them.
But I know that there's still so many of you out there that have an interest, but you just don't understand what goes into it, how it works & you have a ton of questions. So, I've decided to put together a Team Foundation Fitness Coach Internship group for all of you who want to learn more. This group will be 5 days and is completely FREE. During the 5 days, you'll get a glimpse into the world of Coaching. You'll learn what we do, how you can earn an income, how you can help and inspire others - plus I'll answer any other questions that you may have.
So, if you'd like to apply for my Coach Internship group, just click HERE and fill out the quick application! Our group will start July 7 & spots will fill up fast! I'm so excited to be able to have a way to share this opportunity with all of you!